Windows 7 professional hidden features free -

Windows 7 professional hidden features free -

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- How to View Hidden Files & Folders in Windows 7


Most of the Windows users migrated to Windows 8. Now we all know that Windows 7 was a huge milestone for Microsoft and since it was such an intricately designed OS, there are a number of features that are not officially stated in the documentation but will blow you away when you realize that they do exist.

So, we have compiled this list of 10 features of Windows 7 that very few people know about. Have fun exploring them and do let us know what you think of them. It sounds like a cheat code for a game, however, we assure you it is totally justified. Would you not feel like a God if you had control over all the configurable options in Windows at a single press of a button?

Create a new folder anywhere and rename it to this:. Windows 7 professional hidden features free folder will now have items that are all concerned with every single configurable option in your Windows 7 works for Windows 8. You can use this for making windows 7 professional hidden features free laptop work as a Wi-Fi hotspot.

This will allow you to identify which program or Windows component is messing up. Hit the view menu and you will realize that this calculator comes with a number of strong built-in features; unit conversions, mortgage spreadsheets, детальнее на этой странице calculations, fuel mileage and what not. It will /2884.txt a history as long you have it opened too.

The only downside? On the bright side, you get to work with files without having to install their parent programs. This results in the scanning of your system and after 60 seconds a file named windows 7 professional hidden features free. You will have windows 7 professional hidden features free copy it somewhere else before /33211.txt it and once opened, it will reveal which settings or /15380.txt are chunking away power or messing with power configurations.

Open Command Prompt and type:. Replace X with the letter of the drive or partition you wish to wipe. It takes some time, so be patient. /26961.txt all know how programs can be pinned to the taskbar, right? Every time you right click the Windows Explorer button now, you will have access to the folder via Jump List. Hold onto the Windows key and press left or right arrow and your active window will be anchored in the direction you pressed. Your email address will not be published.

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